What’s The Average Penis Size?
April 6, 2022
In this month’s newsletter we look at the sensitive topic of penis size. So…. Let’s first get this out of the way. The well-respected medical journal, BJUI conducted a systematic review and cobbled together 20 studies about penis sizes from different countries in a collaboration between King’s College London and …
Poll: How much sex are people really having now?
July 16, 2021
Half a year ago, when the COVID-19 pandemic was rampant, we asked, “how often are you having sex?” The COVID-19 Pandemic has made it increasingly difficult to maintain healthy relationships with our significant others. You may have had to social distance for longer durations, or maybe you had actually gotten …
Exosomes. Extraordinary Extracellular Vesicles
July 6, 2021
Let it never be said that nature has run out of surprises. Or that science has run out of discoveries. Exosomes are extracellular vesicles (EVs) first described as such 30 years ago and since implicated in cells, cell communication and the transmission of disease states. Fundamental questions about their biology remain …
Testosterone Part III: The Key to Prostate Health?
May 19, 2021
Testosterone. And Prostate Health The prostate is normally about the size of a walnut. Once men hit their 50s and beyond it’s very common for their prostate to grow. The prostate gland is located between the bladder and the penis. The prostate is just in front of the rectum. The urethra runs through the center of the prostate, …
Lifting Your Bedroom Life
May 7, 2021
Clinic for Him provides a multitude of treatments, from ™ therapy to stem cell products. We take the time to understand your condition and recommend you the best treatments so that the issue does not persist or get worse. We don’t ever give up, and it shows with our …
TESTOSTERONE Part II: A Man’s “Time of the Month?”
April 30, 2021
A Man’s “Time Of The Month?” Do men have hormonal cycles too? Some hormones researchers say no, men don’t cycle. Others say yes, but their cycles are less studied and less dramatic than women’s. Men’s testosterone cycles fluctuate from higher in the morning to lower each evening, and, according to …
TESTOSTERONE Part I : It’s Not Just About Muscles
April 6, 2021
Testosterone. What’s The Big Deal? In short, testosterone is a hormone that helps make a male human, a man. Indeed, it plays a significant role in a man’s body, regulating bone mass, fat distribution, the production of red blood cells and sperm. And yes, it significantly aids in inducing muscle …
Zinc For ED: A Natural Solution
February 16, 2021
If you are here surfing the web looking for answers and remedies for erectile dysfunction, then you have certainly come across a lot of information about dietary supplements and their supposed benefits for healthier erections and improved sexual endurance. It is certain that erectile dysfunction is among the top sexual ...
Be Up for Valentine’s Day!
January 22, 2021
The time to prepare for Valentine’s day is now! Don’t you want to enjoy a carefree dinner and date without the worry of your pills working? Clinic for Him treatments strive for long-lasting, permanent solutions to your ED and performance issues. Learn about Clinic for Him’s ReGen Therapy™ comprised of …
Does High Cholesterol Cause Erectile Dysfunction?
January 11, 2021
The Reality An underlying condition that increases the risk of erectile dysfunction is high cholesterol. Cholesterol is a lipid or “fat-like” substance that resides in the cells of an individual’s body. Cholesterol is carried through an individual’s blood along with proteins. There are 2 types of cholesterol: LDL (low density …
Sleep Apnea and Erectile Dysfunction: Are They Related?
March 9, 2023
The Exploring the Link between Sleep Apnea and Erectile Dysfunction When it comes to sexual performance issues, there may be underlying factors at play. At Clinic for Him, we strive to pinpoint these factors and their impact on overall patient health. While lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise can ...
Your Secret Weapon: Clinic for Him
January 7, 2021
It’s time to use that ace up your sleeve. There’s a better solution than pills for enhanced performance. Don’t you want to impress your partner naturally? Clinic for Him – The ED and Low T Experts can help! With our customized treatment options, including our shockwave therapy (™), Platelet-Rich …
Poll: How much sex are people really having?
December 18, 2020
The COVID-19 Pandemic has made it increasingly difficult to maintain healthy relationships with our significant others. You may be social distancing for longer durations, or maybe you’re actually sick of being cooped up together without a break. Despite these turn of events, it’s still the holiday season, and we still …
Regenerative Therapies
October 6, 2020
ReGen Therapy™ uses state-of-the-art, non-invasive therapies to help men safely and effectively regenerate new healthy tissues and blood vessels. Treatment includes , PRP, Stem Cell products and other advanced technologies. Regenerative therapies address the root cause of ED for a more permanent solution.
Viagra Not Working? Here’s What You Can Do: Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
March 10, 2020
Once categorized as a purely psychological disorder, erectile dysfunction is now regarded as a physiological ailment through numerous coherent studies that can be treated with a variety of measures, including drugs, injections, therapy, suppositories, and even sound waves. According to Harvard Health Publishing, impotence is more common than expected, with …
Blood Testing For Sexual Health
February 18, 2020
As human beings, we each are basically a body of cells, composed mostly of bones and blood encased in a large organ, our skin. Blood, of course, delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away. Cells are mainly red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Clinic for Him offers blood tests. …
Valentine’s Day. Wherefore Art Thou, Cupid?
February 7, 2020
Valentine’s Day would not be complete without Cupid, the most recognized symbol of love. Nope, we are not talking about one of Santa’s reindeer. We are speaking of Cupid, the God of Love. It is said that if Cupid shoots his arrow of love and hits you, that you will …
Overcoming Intimacy Issues While Dealing with Prostate Problems
February 5, 2020
Old-fashioned beliefs suggested erectile dysfunction to be psychological in origin. While anxiety and stress are factors that can cause ED, scientific advances now provide proof that in a majority of cases, it is traced back to physical conditions which interrupt nerve functioning and restrict blood flow.1 Diabetes, arthrosclerosis, cardiovascular conditions, …
The Link between Diabetes, Erectile Dysfunction and Intimacy Issues
January 30, 2020
Did you know that the root causes of Erectile Dysfunction (ED) can be linked to pre-existing health conditions? There are several prevalent conditions that can increase the likelihood of developing Erectile Dysfunction. One such pre-existing condition that increases the likelihood of developing Erectile Dysfunction includes Diabetes. Research studies suggest that …
Valentine’s Day. Love, Marriage & Sex
January 14, 2020
Valentine’s Day might just be the perfect time to reinvigorate your marriage. It’s also a timely occasion to boost any romantic relationship, for that matter. But chocolates, long-stem roses, a sweet dinner out… that’s all well and good, however, it may not be enough to rekindle a fire that’s gone …
Fitness = Wellness = Good Sex
December 30, 2019
Are You Fit Enough for Sex? The Harvard Health Publishing reports that “Sexual health refers to a state of well-being that lets a man fully participate in and enjoy sexual activity. A range of physical, psychological, interpersonal, and social factors influence a man’s sexual health. Optimal male sexual health includes …
Bigger Isn’t Always Better
December 5, 2019
When Sex Is a Weighty Matter It’s widely known being overweight can have serious health consequences. And in many cases, it can have deleterious effects on a guy’s sex life. According to the CDC, one third of all Americans are obese. That is a lot of Americans. “Many men suffering …
Sexual Dysfunction. The Blame Game.
November 26, 2019
Every relationship has its ups and downs. But when it comes to sexual matters, what’s up and what’s down can be a problem, both figuratively and literally. This is especially true if erectile dysfunction enters the picture. Sure, partners can disagree or blame each other for all sorts of problems …
Take the Low Testosterone Quiz
October 31, 2019
Answer a few simple questions to get a better gauge of where your testosterone levels are at.
Cannabis. The Can-do Aphrodisiac?
October 22, 2019
Marijuana has been likened to a “cure-all” for innumerable maladies. And indeed, studies abound regarding its healing properties.* But it’s long been known to pot aficionados that one of its primary benefits is how it induces a more gratifying experience during sexual intercourse. Is Pot the high-way to Happiness? “According …
T is for Libido
October 17, 2019
The dictionary definition of libido is “the energy of the sexual drive as a component of the life instinct.” If you’ve been experiencing a lower sex drive, you might be feeling concern, or even guilt about how it’s affecting you and your relationship with your partner. Worse, it could be …
Marijuana is popping up everywhere and in many forms
October 2, 2019
As far back as 5000 years ago marijuana was used to treat medical conditions and used in spiritual ceremonies. Marijuana remains illegal under federal law in the United States. But state marijuana laws are continuing to change. More than 20 states now permit the sale of marijuana for medicinal use, …
What are the Symptoms of ED and How Common is it?
July 15, 2019
The signs of ED are varied and may differ from one man to another. The condition is very common. Although most often seen in men over the age of 40, ED can affect men of all ages. According to the Massachusetts Male Aging Study, which was the largest-ever survey of …
Success Stories and Testimonials
May 15, 2019
It’s often that CFH has happy patients sharing their testimonials of successful treatments. It can be difficult to come out in a public forum with these types of very personal issues, but many men are so satisfied that they are willing to share their stories so that other men will …
Poll – Which ED Treatment Interests You
April 25, 2019
Take this quick poll and find out which ED treatment options most men are interested in.
ED Treatment Options
April 16, 2019
Clinic for Him (CFH) offers an array of treatment options for patients with ED or other male sexual dysfunctions. These options should only be considered after a physician has conducted proper testing and evaluation of a patient to determine the best personalized treatment program plan. Medication-Based Therapy Erectile Dysfunction …
Does Penis Size Really Matter?
April 25, 2019
Does penis size matter? The big question. In the end… maybe? And only if you’re either extremely small or extremely large. Should I Be Happy with My Size? You should always be happy with who you are, and as we said, there’s a use for every penis size and solutions …
What Do Women Think About Penis Sizes?
August 22, 2019
When it comes to what women think about penis size, a vast majority (84%) think their partner’s penis is fine, according to a study from UCLA and Cal State LA. Only about 14% of women wished their partner has a large penis, and 2% actually wanted a small penis (read …
How Big is a Large Penis?
April 25, 2019
Measuring penises is both easy and complicated for several reasons. The easy answer is, again, larger than the average wherever you’re from, but even so, what’s larger than normal? What is normal? If by “normal” we mean the average penis size, we’ve already established that’s about 5 inches when erect, so …
How Small is a Small Penis?
April 25, 2019
Terms like “small” and “large” are —of course— relative. A “large” soda at a McDonald’s in France is tiny compared to a “large” one in the U.S., for example, where the size is usually considered “medium”. So, these are the things to take into consideration before applying terms like “small” …
How Do You Measure Your Penis?
April 25, 2019
Measuring penises is both easy and complicated for several reasons. While the BJUI study is one of the most recent, the researchers add that, like all other studies, the participants in them might not represent the real diversity of penises in the world. A lot of these studies are made …
What’s The Average Penis Size?
July 1, 2019
Let’s first get this out of the way. BJUI’s systematic review cobbled together 20 studies about penis sizes from different countries and is a collaboration between King’s College London and the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS). This worldwide review of studies found that, on average, a flaccid penis is …
What is Low-T and How Could It Affect You?
April 11, 2019
Testosterone is the key hormone produced by the Leydig cells of the testicles and is responsible for the normal growth and development of male organs and for maintenance of other sexual characteristics. The range for normal testosterone level is 300-1100 ng/dL. It is optimal for a man to get around …
Patient Success Story – Dave
March 19, 2019
Read this very personal story of how one man dealt with his ED issues and found a successful treatment program using CFH’s new ™ and PRP therapies. Dave’s Story
5 New Advances in ED Treatment
March 1, 2019
Here are 5 of the latest technological advancements in the treatment of ED and male sexual dysfunction: Extracorporeal Therapy (LI-ESWT) – Clinic for Him, using it’s proprietary and patented Clinic for Him Method®, has developed the ™ Therapy modality. The device uses low-intensity pulsed soundwaves to deliver …
Health and Wellness
February 19, 2019
Associated conditions like diabetes or cardiovascular disease can greatly impact a man’s sexual health, but so can general lifestyle and well-being behaviors. CFH doctors look to identify problem areas and their potential influences on overall patient health. After diagnosis and treatment programs are prescribed, many of these health and behavioral corrections …
Give her the gift you both need this Valentine’s Day
February 7, 2019
If you think it’s a good idea to restore your intimacy this Valentine’s Day then we’re sure your partner would agree! She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that’s best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes; Thus …
ED & PE Real Life Success Stories
December 13, 2018
CFH has helped men with all types of ED & PE issues restore their function and bring happiness back to their lives. Russell is a 43 year old man of good health, happily married but going through a bit of a mid-life crisis. Read Russell’s ED Success Story …
Is ED Psychological?
October 29, 2018
ED is a common problem among men and its cause can be attributed to a large number of factors both mental and physical, often combinations of associated conditions. It is defined as the inability to get or keep an erection and according to WebMD, “Psychological factors are responsible for about …
No intentes jugarle al doctor solo
April 19, 2018
It is quite possible, and indeed probable, that no one has dealt with as many cases of erectile dysfunction as has the Clinic for Him. And in that process, they have no doubt encountered all kinds of patients. Some of them may feel completely helpless because of their condition, and …
¿La alimentación saludable mejora la función sexual?
April 19, 2018
Can diet play a role in sexual dysfunction? Evidence is inconclusive. However, maintaining a healthy diet is a surefire way to improve your overall health, which certainly can’t hurt your sexual performance. In this post, we’ll focus on ways to improve your diet when eating at restaurants. Americans love to …
¿Mejores comidas, mejor sexo?
April 19, 2018
It’s widely known that maintaining a healthy daily diet will have a huge impact on all facets of our health. From increasing our mental focus to becoming more physically fit, the foods we put into our bodies change how we act, feel and look. In addition to these mental and …
¿Inseguro sobre el rendimiento sexual? No eres el único.
April 19, 2018
Independent market research company OnePoll recently questioned 2,000 men between the ages of 16 and 65 about their place in society. Half of the respondents claimed to be unsatisfied with their position in society and their personal sexual performance. Former GP and trustee of the Sexual Dysfunction Association, Dr John …
No es tan pequeño como piensas
April 19, 2018
If you are unhappy with the size of your penis, consider this: 85 percent of women are happy with the dimensions of their partner’s penis. A study by two British urologists shows that many men suffer from “small penis syndrome” – caused by the anxiety of thinking one’s penis is …
Factores de colesterol alto: un riesgo para los problemas sexuales de los hombres
April 19, 2018
High cholesterol levels can put you at risk for cardiovascular diseases including cardiac arrest and stroke. Sufficient awareness on our current lifestyle and behavior is vital as this could be a risk factor for cardiac arrest. Also, high cholesterol among men is the major cause of men’s sexual problem including …
Esclerosis múltiple e impotencia: la esclerosis múltiple no necesita arruinar tu vida sexual
April 19, 2018
Multiple sclerosis and impotence greatly affect men’s sexual health. Oftentimes, erectile dysfunction as a result of multiple sclerosis creates debilitating effects in the overall health and wellness. Sexual dysfunction and MS damage sexual life and build tension in the relationship. Also, several men with multiple sclerosis and ED often suffer …
Depresión y disfunción eréctil: efectos secundarios de los antidepresivos en la salud sexual de los hombres
April 19, 2018
Clinical depression and erectile dysfunction can have a devastating effect in man’s life. Also, lowered libido works to disrupt men’s ability to maintain a satisfying sex life. Several anti-depressant medications are proven effective as treatment for depression. Furthermore, research reveals that side effects of anti-depressants can cause erectile dysfunction and …
Personas mayores que tienen más sexo se mantienen más saludables
April 19, 2018
It’s shocking to believe that today, in comparison to thirty years ago, more and more senior citizens are staying active in sex. A recent study in Sweden shows that senior citizens’ outlook on sex activity has changed, drastically. This study was conducted on 70 year-olds from 1970 up until recently. …
Disfunción sexual en hombres: La importancia de visitas regulares al médico
April 19, 2018
Many men feel like their wives push them to go to the doctor’s office and according to a federal report, it’s for good reason. The report suggested that men are far less likely than women to keep regular checkup appointments. The importance of seeing your doctor regularly becomes more and …
La conexión de la depresión con el deseo sexual
April 19, 2018
If you’re clinically depressed, you may also find you’re having problems with a low sex drive, inability to orgasm or erectile dysfunction. It’s not your imagination – problems with sexual function and depression are often linked. It’s chemical, doctors believe. Sexual desire begins in the brain and triggers increased blood …
No ignores el juego sexual
April 19, 2018
There’s no arguing that “quickie sex” can be arousing, exciting and satisfying. It’s good for when passions override all thought and desire wins. However, most women will agree that the best sexual encounters occur when a man knows and understands the importance of foreplay. Foreplay is defined as “a set …
¿Es el Kama Sutra más que solo una “biblia del sexo”?
April 19, 2018
Considered the “bible of sex” or the “book of love,” the Kama Sutra (also known as Kama Shastra) is one of three ancient texts written in the Sanskrit language that describe the permissible goals in life. It is devoted to the pursuit of karma. Kama is the Hindu God of …
¿Cómo afecta la eyaculación precoz a su relación?
April 19, 2018
Premature Ejaculation (PE) is a condition that can affect men emotionally and physically and take a toll on their relationships. The most common way to describe this condition is an ejaculation that occurs before both partners would like it to. Intercourse plays a huge role in the success and happiness …
¿Qué es un fetiche sexual y tienes uno?
April 19, 2018
The word fetish originates from the Portuguese word “fetico” which originally meant “charm” and also false power. When the Portuguese explored West Africa and encountered native religions, they called whatever they collected (talismans), a fetish. These collections were usually objects: totems, beads and carvings. Some people aren’t sure if they …
¿Por qué los hombres engañan a las mujeres hermosas?
April 19, 2018
You might be sitting there thinking to yourself: he’s got a good thing, why stray? The reasoning isn’t always that simple. Just because a woman is beautiful doesn’t guarantee a man will remain faithful. It also doesn’t excuse his infidelity but let’s take a look at reasons why men might …
¿Deberías tener sexo en la primera cita?
April 19, 2018
She’s hot. You’re eager. And there’s so much sexual tension. Everything’s going well and you’re one drink away from suggesting you go back to your place. Should you? Sex on the first date is a tricky subject. Despite women’s progress in shedding stereotypes associated with first date sex, there is …
Salud sexual y salud física: La conexión
April 19, 2018
We just stumbled across an article in Men’s Health that provides a useful framework for thinking about your sexual health. The article’s main point is that keeping yourself in good physical health can have a positive effect on your sexual health. Says Men’s Health: “You have a built-in baromoter for …
¿Problemas de eyaculación?
April 19, 2018
Ejaculation is a touchy subject in our culture, so it’s no surprise that premature ejaculation is as well. In fact, premature ejaculation often falls into the deep abyss of the unspoken — and how are we supposed to learn about it if we can’t talk about it? Being as hush-hush …
Disfunción eréctil ¿Deberían ambos hablar con alguien desde fuera?
April 19, 2018
Is it wise to seek some help from the outside when it comes to talking about your problems with erectile dysfunction (ED)? That is a question the people from Clinic for Him are confronted with all the time. And the answer is, yes, it is, if you are concerned about …
Los mayores 10 mitos sobre el sexo según Ask Men
April 18, 2018
Recently, our doctor Barry Buffman gave an interview for the popular web publication Ask Men. In this interview, Dr. Buffman helped men understand 10 basic myths about sex that are very widely believed among U.S. males. Recently, our doctor Barry Buffman gave an interview for the popular web publication Ask …
Disfunción eréctil y enfermedad de las encías: ¿Cómo es la impotencia asociados con la enfermedad de las encías?
April 2, 2018
La disfunción sexual puede tener muchos factores que contribuyen o condiciones asociadas. El más educado que está a punto de sus problemas de salud en general, mejor podrá regular y optimizar su rendimiento. ¿Existe una relación entre la enfermedad periodontal y la disfunción eréctil? Eso es exactamente el caso de …
Alta fructosa podría significar la presión arterial alta y Más
April 2, 2018
Una dieta alta presión sanguínea se asocia comúnmente con alimentos altos en jarabe de fructosa de maíz. Refrescos, zumos de frutas dulces y la mayoría de los caramelos contienen jarabe de maíz de alta fructosa. JMAF (jarabe de maíz de alta fructosa) aumenta el riesgo de problemas de salud crónicos …
January 31, 2018
This annual holiday is celebrated on February 14th and originated as a feast day honoring the saint Valentinus who was said to have been imprisoned for performing forbidden weddings and ministering to Christians (the Romans tended to persecute these people). The date has since become synonymous with romantic love and …
Disuse Atrophy & The Need to be Proactive in Treating ED
December 4, 2017
Disuse Atrophy is a medical term used to describe the condition of loss of normal healthy tissue and worsening function after a prolonged period of lack of use. This condition applies to all organs. This is especially an issue with ED because the longer the disuse the greater the chance …
Vasectomy: An Effective Solution, Not an ED risk
July 9, 2013
When it comes to pregnancy prevention, nothing is more effective than a vasectomy. A vasectomy is a minor surgical procedure in which the vas deferens are snipped and tied off, therefore preventing sperm to blend into a man’s semen. With the recent economical hardships, the number of men undergoing vasectomy …
Love and Football: Is it possible?
October 4, 2017
Most guys love football. They look forward to it all year long. On the other hand, it’s also something their significant other or wife despises, mostly knowing, that she’ll be ignored in favor for your favorite sport. Keep your relationship alive while enjoying your favorite sport with some handy tips …
Tips and Tricks to Last Longer in Bed
October 5, 2017
How long should sex last? Is there a secret number or time frame? According to popular beliefs, sex is supposed to last about half an hour or more, however many men are self-conscious about finishing too soon. Media influences like Hollywood movies, magazines and porn has led to the belief …
Five Foods That Improve Your Sexual Health
January 1, 2018
Has your sex life been lacking a little lately? You might have tried everything you could think but have you considered switching up your diet? Changing your daily habits and adding a few extra ingredients to your daily meals could help spice things back up in the bedroom. Let’s explore …
Online Dating Mistakes You Should Avoid
September 30, 2014
Online Dating Mistakes You Should Avoid Dating online can be stressful, especially if you’re lonely and desperate to find someone. For some, it’s a last resort but the best advice is to keep it simple, take a deep breath, and let the chips fall where they may. While on your …
How to Date Smart Women
September 24, 2014
When it comes to dating, finding the right person can be a hassle. You want to date someone like you, who gets you – in other words, someone who’s smart. However, if you’re just throwing caution to the wind, you might be getting sick and tired of your dismal results. …
The Four Photos You Need On Your Online Dating Profile
September 16, 2014
‘Tis the season. Fall is fast approaching and you’re looking for a cuddle buddy to warm you up during those chilly months. If you’re up and running on those dating sites to find the one, now’s the time to check and see if the photos you’re posting are up to …
Can High Blood Pressure Cause Erection Problems?
October 20, 2017
Hypertension, often known as high blood pressure, is a common risk factor for erectile dysfunction (ED). The high pressure within blood vessels is known to cause reactionary changes to the physical structure of the blood vessel. All this pressure can also small tears in the vessel walls, and in the …
How To Get Over Your Ex and Move On
September 2, 2014
Getting over your ex, and moving on, is one of the biggest dilemmas when it comes to manhood, dating, and relationships. It’s rarely ever a quick and easy process and it gets even more complicated the more you two spend time together. Perhaps, the most frustrating thing about the whole …
How To Flirt Like a Pro
August 19, 2014
Flirting can be considered an art or a whole different language. Either way, it’s a skill and something that can be mastered so you don’t come across as the jerk or the awkward weirdo loner. If you want to learn to flirt like a pro, you have to know the …
Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction: What’s the connection?
November 28, 2017
Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction (ED) are two separate conditions however they tend to go hand in hand. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, men with diabetes are two or three times more likely to develop ED which means, they will have problems with achieving …
Common Relationship Problems and How to Solve Them
July 30, 2014
Every relationship has its ups and downs and sometimes, a relationship can be taken for granted. To maintain and sustain a happy and healthy relationship, it’s important to recognize ahead of time what problems might be causing your relationship some issues so that you both have a better chance of …
Get Back In The Field With These Easy Tips
July 30, 2014
No matter what they tell you – dating can be stressful especially after a long term relationship or a divorce. It’s not as easy as getting her number and going for a nice night out. It can be downright nerve wracking and even scary. People often say “it’s just like …
Make Up or Break Up?
July 8, 2014
Breaking up is hard to do. Most couples would rather stay in a relationship than deal with breaking up, moving on, and dating again. While the chance of meeting someone new and dating can have its thrills, it can also be heart breaking and overwhelming. During a relationship, we give …
Erectile Dysfunction: Is ICP Treatment right for you?
February 15, 2018
Since the early 1980s, intracavernous pharmacotherapy (ICP) has been prescribed by physicians as the most effective and fast-acting treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE). It has a proven track record for being the most reliable way for men to achieve rigid and lasting erections. It is also …
ED Treatment: Is ICP better than pills?
June 25, 2014
A lot of people who are not medically inclined believe that pills are the most effective erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment as seen on TV ads. Although they are effective in helping men overcome erection problems, majority who tried intracavernous pharmacotherapy (ICP) prefer to use it than ED pills. Since early …
ED can be cured through ICP – Studies
June 25, 2014
Since the early 1980’s, intracavernous pharmacotherapy (ICP) has been rigorously studied by scientists globally. It has proven to be a highly effective ed treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE). Here are some of the studies that claim ICP’s success in treating men with erection problems: An Article …
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Through ICP
June 25, 2014
Intracavernous pharmacotherapy has a long and established record in successfully treating erectile dysfunction among men. It is first approved as a treatment before many of the common oral medications arose. In the recent years, ICP treatment continues to earn popularity especially for men suffering from medical conditions such as diabetes, …
Erectile Dysfunction: Effects of High Cholesterol in Men
November 28, 2017
The effects of high cholesterol in men can have a negative impact on a man’s sexual life. Why does high cholesterol lead to erectile dysfunction? High cholesterol and erectile dysfunction are seemingly unrelated conditions that actually go hand in hand. How do erections work? After sexual stimulation in men either …
Healthy Diet and Exercise Can Help Prevent Erectile Dysfunction
December 29, 2017
Recent studies show that over 80% of male impotency cases may be caused by a high cholesterol diet. On the other hand, around 50% of men with higher cholesterol have increasing rates of impotency than those with healthy cholesterol levels. Additional studies also show that men with total cholesterol higher than …
High Cholesterol and ED: Ways to Get Rid with this Problem
June 24, 2014
Most common questions about high cholesterol and erectile dysfunction (ED) is about their relationship. Cholesterol affects erection. As cholesterol level increases, men’s ability to achieve erection also decreases. The following are common questions about cholesterol and ED. How is High Cholesterol and Erectile Dysfunction Related? High cholesterol can narrow or …
Andropause Symptoms: Understanding the Effects of Andropause on Men
March 5, 2018
Male Andropause is a condition often associated with low testosterone levels. As men begin to undergo aging process, they often experience low testosterone and even erectile dysfunction in later stages. It has also been called Low T or ‘Male Menopause’ and involves a decline in sex hormone levels. Male andropause …
Alcohol and Low Testosterone: Excessive Drinking Can Lower Testosterone
December 26, 2017
A compilation of recent studies at HubPages.com supports the idea that alcohol abuse and consumption in men causes low testosterone and erectile dysfunction. For many years, excessive drinking is proven to have harmful effects on men’s health. Alcohol drinking can cause low testosterone and impotence when consumed in high amounts. …
Testosterone Imbalance Can Be Determined Using Finger Ratio
June 24, 2014
Studies on finger ratios and hormone imbalance are widespread since the 18th century. Research has shown that the length of the 4th finger is longer for people with high exposure to testosterone at birth. Some scientists believe that the more testosterone present in the womb, the baby more likely to …
ED and Depression: Identifying Potential Causes of Depression
June 24, 2014
ED and depression is a mixture of physical stress and emotional tension. Depressive people are often stuck with pessimistic views and lack of self-worth. Physical stress is one of the chief factors of depression and erection problems. Thus, feelings of upset can lead to poor sexual drive and impotence in …
Depression: Exploring Different Faces of Depressive Disorders
June 24, 2014
History of Depression Different factors of depression have been known in the medical field way back the ancient times. It is widely known before as melancholia. It is a term derived from two Greek words, “melas” and “khole”. However, Adolph Meyer, a Swiss psychiatrist proposes to rename melancholia into depression. …
Cell Phones and Depression: Can Cell Phones Cause Depression?
June 24, 2014
How Can Cell Phones Lead to Depression? Recent studies support a strong link between depression and cell phone use. However, there are several propaganda about depression from cell phone addiction. Cellular devices can predispose men to health threats including emotional instability. Mobile phones are also linked to malignancy and tumor …
Erectile Dysfunction Medication: Searching the Right ED Treatment Options
June 24, 2014
There are several ED treatment options available for men suffering from both depression and erectile dysfunction. Numerous physicians are into research of the right erectile dysfunction medication. Oral medications for erectile dysfunction and depression may be helpful to some. However, it may also bring undesirable effects to other patients. Here …
Foot Problems for Diabetics: Discovering Foot Care Tips
June 24, 2014
Erectile dysfunction is generally associated with Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes is a debilitating disease that causes severe damage to nerves, blood vessels and arteries throughout the body. In men, diabetes can cause erectile dysfunction including other forms of erection problems. Both erectile dysfunction and diabetes are undergoing vascular damage. The inability …
Sexual Dysfunction: Getting to Know the Serious Effect of Diabetes in Men
June 24, 2014
Is Erectile Dysfunction An Underlying Result of Diabetes? Some men are hesitant to seek for medical advice regarding their problems with sexual dysfunction. These are naturally occurring among several men. Specialist will help men understand how erectile dysfunction arises as a result of another disorder. Therefore, it is mandatory to …
High Fructose Could Mean High Blood Pressure and More
March 29, 2018
A high blood pressure diet is commonly associated with foods high in fructose corn syrup. Sweet soft drinks, fruit juices and most candies contain high fructose corn syrup. HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) increases your risk of chronic and deadly health problems, including obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease; it …
Erectile Dysfunction (ED): An Alarming Symptom of Diabetes Mellitus
June 24, 2014
Erectile dysfunction and other erection problems are disrupting men’s sexual performance. Although, men’s sexual problems are often roots of psychological crisis, this isn’t funny at all. How Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction Compromise Sexual Health? Erectile dysfunction can be associated with some physical disorder. One of those happens to be diabetes. …
Erectile Dysfunction and Gum Disease: How is Impotence Associated with Gum Disease?
March 20, 2018
Sexual dysfunction can have many contributing factors or associated conditions. The more educated you are about your general health issues, the better you can regulate and optimize your performance. Is there a link between periodontal disease and erectile dysfunction? That’s exactly the case with some types of impotence (or ED) …
Diabetes in Men: Clinic for Him Found Links Between Diabetes and ED
June 24, 2014
Clinic for Him’s main concern focuses on the sexual effects of diabetes in men. Obviously, experts provide a thorough assessment and effective ED treatments for men. They find ways to improve men’s health without worries in diabetes and erectile dysfunction. The Clinic for Him will also help you understand the …
Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction: Choosing the Right ED Treatment for Diabetics
June 24, 2014
What is Diabetes? How DM and Erectile Dysfunction Related? Studies found a strong link between diabetes and erectile dysfunction. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) affects over 23.6 million Americans in United States. Oftentimes, DM occurs first in men and as disease progresses may result to erectile dysfunction (ED). Erectile dysfunction is a …
Diabetes and its different types: Understanding the Effects of DM in Men
June 24, 2014
Diabetes refers to a group of diseases that are divided into 3 main types. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disorder associated with high blood sugar level. Blood sugar also known as blood glucose is the main source of energy for the cell to create new tissues and muscles. The effects …
Diabetes Mellitus and Erectile Dysfunction: How DM Leads to Sexual Problem
June 24, 2014
The onset of signs and symptoms of diabetes can be risk-free, misleading lots of people as a typical sign of an aging process. About 18.2 million Americans were reported by the American Diabetes Association having symptoms of diabetes. On the other hand, approximately 13 million are diagnosed with DM while …
Cholesterol Levels: Low and High Density Lipoprotein
July 5, 2018
High cholesterol levels are harmful to health. Cholesterol is a fatty, wax-like substance naturally found in all of our bodies. It aids in digestion as well as vitamin D and hormone production. When cholesterol levels rise, there is greater chances of having heart disease and heart attack. There are two …
A Healthy Diet for Men: Low Cholesterol Diet
June 24, 2014
High cholesterol and erectile dysfunction are serious health problems that affect men worldwide. What a man could do if he loves eating meat? How do you go on living if you’re a typical American who enjoys some beers and bratwurst in a tailgate party? Can you escape from cooking some …
Diabetes and Impotence: Can Diabetics Become Impotent?
June 24, 2014
Does Diabetes lead to Sexual Dysfunction? Nearly all major studies pertaining to diabetes and ED support the findings that diabetic men are at higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction (ED). Studies also show that men with diabetes are three times more likely to develop sexual dysfunction. Within 10-15 years of …
Healthy Snacks for Diabetes: A Way to Improve Men’s Health
June 24, 2014
A healthy snack for diabetes primarily aids in proper glucose regulation in the blood. Food for diabetes should consist of adequate amounts of protein, dietary fiber and low-fat. Diabetes patients need not to worry about the old axiom on the negative effects in-between meals. In fact, diet for diabetics is …
Erectile Dysfunction: Don’t leave it Alone
June 24, 2014
Clinic for Him identifies personal relationship, as another course that requires further discussion among men with erectile dysfunction. Are you experiencing problems with your spouse in maintaining an erection? This is obviously a problem of men’s health that should not be left for a long time. Remember, erection problems including …
Cholesterol Levels: Tasty Ways to Maintain Healthy Body
June 24, 2014
There are many sacrifices for men’s health to keep cholesterol under control. Foods before that seem normal and mindless part in your diet are suddenly placed on the list of foods to avoid. However, you will surprisingly learn that you can place a few of them on your healthy list. …
Prostatitis: Most Common Prostate Problem in Men Over 50 Years
June 24, 2014
The Prostatitis Foundation estimates that about 50% of men in the United States experience prostatitis during their lifetime. The chances of prostate problems and erectile dysfunction are far greater in men over the age of 50. Effects of Prostatitis in Men Prostatitis is one of the leading causes of erectile …
Prostate Problems and Erectile Dysfunction: How to Prevent Prostate Cancer and ED?
June 24, 2014
A recent study shows that men who frequently ejaculate are less likely to develop prostate problems and erectile dysfunction. Unlike the previous studies that reveal how frequent sexual contact leads to a higher risk of prostate cancer, this study primarily focuses on ejaculation patterns. Researchers assume that the risk of …
Prostate and ED Problems: Does Prostate Cancer Cause Impotence?
January 15, 2018
Prostate cancer is a serious health problem that kills around 25,000 men a year in the United States alone. Although this disease can be deadly, prostate cancer generally doesn’t affect male sexual function, but the treatments can. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is an enlargement of the prostate and is the …
Impotence and Erectile Dysfunction: Physical Factors that Contribute to ED
June 24, 2014
What Causes Erectile Dysfunction? It is important to understand how impotence and other erection problems affect several men. Experts reveal several causes of ED in men. Oftentimes, erectile dysfunction is a result of an underlying health condition. Although, some medications alter sexual function and creates a risk for developing erection …
Prostate Cancer and BPH: All about Prostate Problems and Erectile Dysfunction
June 24, 2014
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer are the two most commonly occurring prostate problem in older men. The prostate gland is a compound exocrine gland of the male reproductive system. It is located between the bladder and penis in front of the rectum. Prostate gland serves as the “pass-through” …
Psychological Effects of ED: Preventive Measures for Erectile Dysfunction and Impotence
June 24, 2014
Sexual dysfunction affects over 91% of men in the United States. Also, erection problems predispose several men to poor libido and sexual interest. The warning signs of ED can be prevented through lifestyle modification. Psychological Effects of ED Erectile dysfunction can be psychological in nature as a result of stress. …
MS and Erectile Dysfunction: How to Your Improve Sex Life?
June 24, 2014
Multiple sclerosis and impotence often lead to difficulty in maintaining a satisfying sex life. MS and erectile dysfunction can also have a devastating effect on men’s confidence. Oftentimes, multiple sclerosis influence broken relationships between several couples. Erectile dysfunction is one of the leading causes of depression. However, good communication skills …
Does ED Affects Sexual Relationships?
June 24, 2014
Is it possible for a spouse to identify erectile dysfunction in her partner with MS? Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease often results to impotence. Thus, multiple sclerosis and impotence are strongly related to one another. Do MS and Erection Problems Affect Sexual Relationships? Multiple sclerosis (MS) and erectile …
An Overview of the ED Treatment Options for MS
June 24, 2014
The Harmful Effects of Multiple Sclerosis in Men’s Health Multiple sclerosis is a debilitating ailment with several symptoms including vertigo, loss of balance and double vision. In addition, multiple sclerosis can also lead to erection problems in later stages. Multiple sclerosis and impotence affect over 91% of Americans in the …
Exploring Safe and Effective Treatment Options for Multiple Sclerosis and Erectile Dysfuntion
June 24, 2014
There are manifold treatment options available for multiple sclerosis and erectile dysfunction. Specialists are able to treat thousands of men suffering from erectile dysfunction and MS across US. Several physicians undergo an extensive research to provide the right treatment for MS and ED. Men with multiple sclerosis and erectile dysfunction …
Hypoglycemia: Exploring its Harmful Effects in Men
June 24, 2014
Patients diagnosed with diabetes need to make tough sacrifices in life. Careful selection of foods low in carbohydrates, alcohol and sugar is essential. Also, avoid eating too much fatty food in the diet. It is important to undergo regular tests for blood sugar to maintain normal levels. Uncontrolled diabetes can …
Healthy Diet: Preventing Erectile Dysfunction
June 24, 2014
Maintaining healthy lifestyle can help you in preventing erectile dysfunction. Aside from usual habits and hereditary factors, diet can also affect one’s condition. There can be a connection between one’s diet and the onset of ED conditions. Erectile dysfunction can be prevented by having a right diet. Clinic for Him …
Erectile Dysfunction: Side Effect of Anti-depressants in Men’s Sexual Health
June 24, 2014
Clinical depression and erectile dysfunction can have a devastating effect in man’s life. Also, lowered libido works to disrupt men’s ability to maintain a satisfying sex life. Several anti-depressant medications are proven effective as treatment for depression. Furthermore, research reveals that side effects of anti-depressants can cause erectile dysfunction and …
FAQs about Erectile Dysfunction and Depression
July 25, 2018
There is a large body of evidence supporting the correlation between ED and depression. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis* published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, concludes “an association between depression and ED. Policymakers, clinicians and patients should attend to the association between depression and ED.” Some oral ED …
Multiple Sclerosis and Erectile Dysfunction: Most Common Question about MS and ED
June 24, 2014
Here are some of the frequently ask questions about multiple sclerosis and erectile dysfunction: Are there treatments available for patients with multiple sclerosis and erectile dysfunction? There are several ED treatment options available for men with MS and ED. Although oral medications may be helpful to some patients, there other …
Diabetes at risk
June 24, 2014
Diabetes mellitus, or simply diabetes, is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood glucose (blood sugar), either because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced or because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin. In the United States alone, 25.8 million people …
Testosterone: Sex Factor
June 24, 2014
Testosterone is a hormone produced by the body. In men, testosterone is mostly produced in the testicles, stimulating the production of sperm and increasing sex drive. It is also responsible in muscle and bone build-up. As men grow old, the production of testosterone decreases and Andropause takes place – the …
Sexual Function: Use It or Lose It
April 1, 2019
According to recent studies, the old “use it or lose it” wives tale may be true. Finnish researchers have released statements upon new studies, showing that men who have sex at least once a week, in comparison to men who have sex less than once a week, are at a …
Does Healthy Eating Improves Sexual Function?
June 24, 2014
Can diet play a role in sexual dysfunction? Evidence is inconclusive. However, maintaining a healthy diet is a surefire way to improve your overall health, which certainly can’t hurt your sexual performance. In this post, we’ll focus on ways to improve your diet when eating at restaurants. Americans love to …
March 12, 2018
Studies suggest that a diet rich in Pistachios (and other nuts) can actually improve erectile function. It is known that ED and heart disease can be two different manifestations of an underlying condition, poorly functioning or diseased arteries. To help combat clogged blood vessels one should seek a diet full …
Premature Ejaculation Could Be Genetic
June 24, 2014
Some studies have claimed that Premature Ejaculation is caused by a psychological source. However, recent studies on Dutch men have brought forth the idea that maybe genetics play a larger role. The study tested 89 men who have had trouble with premature ejaculation since their first sexual experience. In these …
As Far as ED is Concerned, Age May Not Be the Whole Story
June 24, 2014
Are you a man who is getting older? Yes, that is a ridiculous question, isn’t it? We are ALL getting older, but there comes a time when age may start getting in the way of what could be considered optimal sexual performance. But should men who are at an advanced …
ED Drugs Cause a Rise in STD Infections
June 24, 2014
Annals of Internal Medicine released a new study linking patients that take erectile dysfunction medication with a heightened risk of contracting STDs. The study was released earlier this month, citing that the increase in sexually transmitted disease rates may be due to the patient demographic being of an older age …
Do I Have Erectile Dysfunction?
June 24, 2014
It was once thought that erectile dysfunction was purely a psychological problem in the realm of men’s sexual health. However, as technology advances, experts are finding scientific evidence that suggests erectile dysfunction is also biologically-based. It is not uncommon for men to ejaculate sooner than they or their partner would …
Dark Chocolate – Good To Fight ED?
June 24, 2014
Clinic for Him knows that one of the fascinating aspects of fighting and/or combating erectile dysfunction is that there are actually some foods you can eat that can help fight ED. One of them is chocolate. That’s right; although it may seem chocolate can be an unhealthy things, with the …
Clinic for Him – Dealing With ED in the Younger Male
June 24, 2014
In as much as Clinic for Him probably deals with more cases of erectile dysfunction than any other group in the world, they are well aware that the condition could affect younger men very easily. In fact, there is some evidence to suggest that the psychological factors that impact the …
Insecure About Sexual Performance? You’re Not Alone.
June 24, 2014
Independent market research company OnePoll recently questioned 2,000 men between the ages of 16 and 65 about their place in society. Half of the respondents claimed to be unsatisfied with their position in society and their personal sexual performance. Former GP and trustee of the Sexual Dysfunction Association, Dr John …
Clinic for Him – The Link – Rheumatoid Arthritis and Erectile Dysfunction
June 24, 2014
Clinic for Him, as many people know, is the leading organization in terms of treating the disorder of erectile dysfunction, which is otherwise known as ED. And certainly when physicians are the recognized experts, they are always on top of the latest studies and discoveries in the field. One of …
Warning Signs for a Heart Attack – for Men with ED
June 24, 2014
According to Dr. Geoffery Hacket of the Good Hope Hospital in Birmingham, UK, men with erectile dysfunction are one and a half times more likely to have a heart attack. “Continuing to ignore these issues on the basis that cardiologists feel uncomfortable mentioning the word ‘erection’ to their patients or …
It’s Not As Small As You May Think
June 24, 2014
If you are unhappy with the size of your penis, consider this: 85 percent of women are happy with the dimensions of their partner’s penis. A study by two British urologists shows that many men suffer from “small penis syndrome” – caused by the anxiety of thinking one’s penis is …
ED as a Medication Side Effect?
June 24, 2014
Impotence as a side effect of prescription medication is a real, quantifiable problem. According to WebMD, over two hundred prescription medications can trigger, contribute to, or exacerbate erectile dysfunction. If you’re currently experiencing difficulty maintaining an erection, it’s a good idea to consult with your physician about what sorts of …
High Cholesterol Factors: A Risk for Men’s Sexual Problems
June 24, 2014
High cholesterol levels can put you at risk for cardiovascular diseases including cardiac arrest and stroke. Sufficient awareness on our current lifestyle and behavior is vital as this could be a risk factor for cardiac arrest. Also, high cholesterol among men is the major cause of men’s sexual problem including …
Diabetes Lifestyle: A Better Way Out to Improve Men’s Health
June 24, 2014
It’s almost a foregone conclusion when dealing with diabetes, that other health problems affecting men’s health arise. Erectile dysfunction (ED) can be a persistent and chronic effect of diabetes in men. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss concerns about ED with a doctor instead of fixing problems all by yourself. …
Diabetes and ED: Finding Answers to Common Questions
June 24, 2014
In addition to our articles and informational pages, you will find a list of introductory questions and answers about the relationship between diabetes and erectile dysfunction. The following are most common questions about diabetes and impotence: What are the available treatments for patients suffering from diabetes and erectile dysfunction? Men …
Low Testosterone Symptoms Every Man Should Know
June 24, 2014
Low testosterone and erectile dysfunction (ED) can occur in men of all ages. Although, it is often common in older men. Many times, erectile dysfunction can result to lower libido and irritability in men. Most men believe that low testosterone and sexual dysfunction are evident signs of aging. However, ED …
Causes of Low Testosterone Levels: Understanding How Low Testosterone Results to Impotence
June 24, 2014
Low testosterone and erectile dysfunction can predispose men to health hazard. Testosterone is chiefly responsible for the male secondary sex characteristics. These sexual characteristics include deepening of the voice and broadening of the shoulders and chest. Testosterone plays a vital role in men’s sexual drive. Hence, a drop in testosterone …
Testosterone Levels: Exploring Ways to Increase Libido
June 24, 2014
Feelings of depression in most men are a result of low testosterone and erectile dysfunction. Impotence affects men’s ability to maintain a satisfying sexual life. Higher testosterone levels can greatly increase libido and prevent erection problems. Also, it can help improve mood and enhance energy levels. There are highly effective …
Low Testosterone Level Predisposes Men to Erectile Dysfunction
June 24, 2014
Low testosterone levels are often associated with erectile dysfunction. Testosterone is a hormone responsible for the male secondary sex characteristics. Also, it plays a vital role in the proper development of the mind and body. What Causes Low Testosterone in Men? Aging is one of the predisposing factors of low …
Depression and Impotence: The Harmful Effects of Depression in Men
June 24, 2014
Depression is often a major cause of sexual dysfunction and impotence. Depression and erectile dysfunction affect men’s ability to achieve erections. Thus, depression can often lead to poor sex drive. Exploring Serious Effects of Depression According to a study by the University of Missouri‘s Columbia School of Medicine, 70% of …
Depression: Discovering Positive Effects of Exercise in Men
June 24, 2014
Clinical depression and erectile dysfunction can cause a person to suffer from extreme lethargy and mental anxiety. Depression can lead to an overwhelming sense of melancholy. Oftentimes, ED and depression can result to a serious sexual dysfunction and impotence. Positive Effects of Exercise in Men Exercise is a physical activity …
TRT: Solution for Low Testosterone and Erectile Dysfunction
June 24, 2014
Low testosterone and erectile dysfunction are common among men after the age of 30. This is obviously part of the aging process and cannot lead to alarming symptoms at once. Low testosterone and impotence can also exist as a result of trauma or injury to the testicles. Other possible causes …
Multiple Sclerosis and Impotence: MS Doesn’t Need to Ruin Your Sex Life
June 23, 2014
Multiple sclerosis and impotence greatly affect men’s sexual health. Oftentimes, erectile dysfunction as a result of multiple sclerosis creates debilitating effects in the overall health and wellness. Sexual dysfunction and MS damage sexual life and build tension in the relationship. Also, several men with multiple sclerosis and ED often suffer …
What are Possible Causes of Multiple Sclerosis?
June 23, 2014
Multiple sclerosis (MS) affects over 400,000 Americans in US alone. Although the exact cause of MS is unknown, researchers are able to determine the possible factors that will eventually lead them to discover the root cause. Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory disease that often results to damage of the myelin …
The Effects of Multiple Sclerosis in Men
June 23, 2014
About 91% of men with multiple sclerosis report difficulty achieving erections during sexual intercourse. The effects of multiple sclerosis in men potentially affect overall health and wellness. What are the physical factors that lead to impotency in men with MS? Multiple sclerosis varies from case to case. It is an …
MS Diet Fights Debilitating Effects of Multiple Sclerosis
June 23, 2014
Lifestyle modification serves as an effective prevention of multiple sclerosis. Also, a healthy MS diet is best for patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. Patients with multiple sclerosis often experience symptoms of sexual dysfunction. Experts support a strong link between sexual dysfunction and MS. Oftentimes, men with multiple sclerosis display signs …
How Multiple Sclerosis – Warning Signs Affect Men’s Health
June 23, 2014
According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, over 2.5 million people have multiple sclerosis worldwide. It affects 400,000 people in the United States and about 91 % of which suffer from sexual dysfunction. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is two to three times more likely present in women than men. Also, it …
Depression and ED: Side Effect of Anti-depressants in Men’s Sexual Health
June 23, 2014
Clinical depression and erectile dysfunction can have a devastating effect in man’s life. Also, lowered libido works to disrupt men’s ability to maintain a satisfying sex life. Several anti-depressant medications are proven effective as treatment for depression. Furthermore, research reveals that side effects of anti-depressants can cause erectile dysfunction and …
Multiple Sclerosis: Likely to be heredetary
June 23, 2014
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disorder which affects twice as common in women as in men. However, a recent study by the Mayo Clinic, the University of California at San Francisco, the University of California at Berkeley and Kaiser Permanente found that men are twice more likely to pass …
Depression and Impotence: Devastating Effects of Depression in Men
June 23, 2014
Depression is often a major cause of sexual dysfunction and impotence. Depression and erectile dysfunction affect men’s ability to achieve erections. Thus, depression can often lead to poor sex drive. Exploring Serious Effects of Depression According to a study by the University of Missouri‘s Columbia School of Medicine, 70% of …
Can Multiple Sclerosis Leads to Erectile Dysfunction?
June 23, 2014
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society estimates that multiple sclerosis (MS) and erectile dysfunction (ED) affect over 400,000 people in the United States alone. Furthermore, they estimate that 91% of men with MS report having symptoms of either ED or impotence. Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve and maintain erections …
Depression and Erectile Dysfunction: Looking for Effective Therapy for Depression in Men
June 23, 2014
Medical screening is vital in deciding the right treatment for depression. Specialist will provide careful assessment and initiates effective therapies for depression. Psychiatrist and psychologist work to help improve mental health and provide treatments for depression. Oftentimes, psychiatrist prescribes anti-depressant medications while psychologist offers effective therapy for depression. Serious Effects …
Depression and ED: Finding the Right Treatment for Depression
March 9, 2023
Depression and erectile dysfunction (ED) can potentially spoil a man’s sex drive. This common scenario often results to impotence in men. Research shows that erectile dysfunction and depression are interrelated in terms of symptoms. Depression and erectile dysfunction (ED) can have a detrimental impact on a man’s sexual desire and …
Multiple Sclerosis: Famous People with MS in the United States
June 23, 2014
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating disease that affects the central nervous system leading to nerve damage to the brain and spinal cord. Although multiple sclerosis affects every patient differently, the disease itself can lead to an inability to move freely, poor communication skills and loss of bladder and bowel …
High Cholesterol Level: Decreases Cardiovascular Function
June 23, 2014
High cholesterol problems, such as erectile dysfunction, hinder the body’s mechanism to work well. In the first place, why do we have cholesterol in our bodies? Cholesterol has manifold functions, and it naturally exists in the outer layers of the human cell. Cholesterol is important for hormone production, cell membrane …
Type 2 Diabetes: Healthy Tips for Men
June 23, 2014
How Type 2 Diabetes Breaks American Lifestyle? Type 2 Diabetes is the seventh deadliest disease in US causing over 233,000 deaths in 2005. According to the American Diabetes Association, over 23 million Americans have diabetes and 1.6 million new cases are diagnosed within ages 20 years old each year. Diabetes …
Erectile Dysfunction: A Symptom of Heart Disease
April 24, 2018
A study conducted by Prince Henry’s Institute in Melbourne Australia published in the Medical Journal of Australia found that men over 20 years of age with erectile dysfunction (ED) have twice the risk of cardiovascular incidents than those of men with normal sexual health. It was also found out that …
High Cholesterol and Erectile Dysfunction: Decreases Cardiovascular Function and Sexual Life
March 26, 2019
High cholesterol problems hinder the body’s mechanism to work well. In the first place, why do we have cholesterol in our bodies? Cholesterol has manifold functions, and it naturally exists in the outer layers of the human cell. Cholesterol is important for hormone production, cell membrane formation and other vital …
Low Testosterone and ED: Frequent Questions about Low Testosterone & Impotence
June 23, 2014
Here are common questions about low testosterone and erectile dysfunction: Are there treatments available for men with low testosterone and erectile dysfunction? Yes, there are several treatment options available for men with low testosterone and erectile dysfunction. Men should consider that erectile dysfunction is often a symptom of another health …
Low Testosterone Quiz Introduction
June 23, 2014
As you get older, there are things you cannot avoid such as adding years to your age. Aging makes your hair turn into grey, decreases your sex drive, and limits some physical and mental abilities. These are not just simple setbacks. In the long run, it can post more serious …
Multiple Sclerosis: What it is?
June 23, 2014
Multiple Sclerosis affects almost half a million Americans in US alone. It is chronic, often disabling disease that attacks the central nervous system (CNS), which is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. Symptoms may be mild, such as numbness in the limbs, or severe, such as …
Dried Tomatoes May Prevent Prostate Cancer
June 23, 2014
New findings by researchers at the University of Missouri suggest that dried tomatoes show a potential for preventing prostate cancer. In some cases, dried tomato product prolonged life by eleven weeks. “Processing of many edible plants through heating, grinding, mixing or drying dramatically increases their nutrition value, including their cancer …
Before you Try Fake ED Drugs, Contact Clinic for Him
June 23, 2014
Recent studies have shown that sales of fake erectile dysfunction medication online has skyrocketed 400% in recent years, yet these medications can cause all types of health risks, and in some cases have even caused death. This from an article at virtualmedicalcentre.com entitled, “Selling erections on the internet”, which details …
ED May Help Doctors Find Other Disorders
June 23, 2014
The people at Clinic for Him know that there are many things that can be at the root cause of ED. According to some recent studies, there may be a correlation between the number of medications one takes and the onset of erectile dysfunction. Certainly the medications that deal with …
Senior Citizens Having More Sex, Staying Healthier
June 23, 2014
As people age, they may assume that their sexual activity will decrease. However, recent studies have shown that senior citizens are having more sex and are staying healthier as a result. One study, conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles, found that older adults who had sex at least …
Walnuts and the Reduction of Prostate Cancer
June 23, 2014
Scientific research shows that eating a diet rich in walnuts can reduce the size and growth rate of prostate cancer in mice. Experiments show that the secret lies in walnuts’ ability to lower levels of the substance endothelin, which increases inflammation of blood vessels. Researchers tested the benefits of eating …
Lower Your Stress to help treat your erectile dysfunction
June 23, 2014
Treating your erectile dysfunction, and doing it effectively, requires a comprehensive strategy. Making lifestyle changes may not be enough – on its own – to bring success. But the healthier you are, the more successful the treatment for your erectile dysfunction will be. Being healthy means reducing stress. Stress is …
Sleep Apnea and ED
June 23, 2014
A correlation has been found between erectile dysfunction and sleep apnea—also known as sleep disordered breathing (SDB). A recent article in Urology Today states: “Since the majority of physicians who treat ED are unlikely to have expertise in SDB, and similarly those who treat SDB generally have little expertise in …
Erectile Dysfunction linked to Obesity?
June 23, 2014
Could weight have a connection to Erectile Dysfunction? According to a new study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, obesity just might result to erectile dysfunction. The study focused on 2,435 Italian male patients who seeked outpatient treatment for erectile dysfunction between 2007 and 2001. Among those who participated, …
Sexual Dysfunction on Men: Importance of Regular Doctor Visits
June 23, 2014
Many men feel like their wives push them to go to the doctor’s office and according to a federal report, it’s for good reason. The report suggested that men are far less likely than women to keep regular checkup appointments. The importance of seeing your doctor regularly becomes more and …
Depression’s Connection to Sexual Desire
June 23, 2014
If you’re clinically depressed, you may also find you’re having problems with a low sex drive, inability to orgasm or erectile dysfunction. It’s not your imagination – problems with sexual function and depression are often linked. It’s chemical, doctors believe. Sexual desire begins in the brain and triggers increased blood …
Healthy Ways to Treat Depression in Men
June 23, 2014
The correlation between sexual dysfunction and depression is among one of the most commonly discussed correlations in the sexual health realm. Many things can be attributed to this correlation. Depression works in mysterious ways: Sometimes it’s noticeable and sometimes you’re diagnosed without ever seeing blatant symptoms. One side effect of …
Healthy Ways to Treat Depression in Men
June 23, 2014
Depression is generally regarded as a “feminine” disorder in the media, but recently it’s been found that nearly seven percent of American men (six million!) suffer from depression and millions more endure the disorder silently. Sometimes men don’t recognize the symptoms, or they are too embarrassed to seek help for …
Lower Testosterone Levels Seen in Unhealthy Men
June 23, 2014
Lower testosterone levels are common in aging men, but why are some men far more affected by these signs of aging than others? A 2006 study tested 2,100 men over the age of 45 and found correlations between several health conditions and low testosterone levels in aging men. Low testosterone …
Sexual Dysfunction – PE, Erectile Dysfunction, Low Libido
June 23, 2014
Sexual dysfunction refers to a problem during any point of the sexual response cycle which prevents the individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction. The sexual response cycle consists of four phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution. While sexual dysfunction is considered common among both women and men, it is a …
Andropause: A Serious Problem for Men
June 23, 2014
Andropause is the gradual lowering of testosterone levels in men as they age. This condition is often referred to as “male menopause,” as it lowers fertility levels and sex drive. Andropause is dependent upon two variables: age and body fat. Symptoms of male menopause include sleeping problems, sexual difficulties, lowered …
Male Birth Control: An Effective Contraception
June 23, 2014
Though the ability for men to give birth may never be physiologically possible, technology for a male contraceptive by way of injection, equivalent to that of the female birth control pill, is under way. Scientists explain that by the balanced blending of the testosterone hormone and progestin, it may be …
Psychological Impotence May Lead to Erectile Dysfunction
June 23, 2014
Psychological factors comprise about 10% of erection problems and many times result from nervousness, performance anxiety or fear of failure while lovemaking. These factors manifest physically through a surge of adrenaline, which reduces blood flow to the penile area, resulting in erectile difficulty and may lead to psychological erectile dysfunction. …
Proven Premature Ejaculation and Impotence Solutions
June 23, 2014
Whether your problem is Premature Ejaculation (PE) or Erectile Dysfunction (ED) , we can prescribe a treatment personalized entirely for you to place you back on the path of reinvigorating your sex life in just a single visit. For over 10 years, Clinic for Him has been focusing on the …
Dealing with Erectile Dysfunction: Exercising Discretion
June 23, 2014
Erectile dysfunction, commonly known as ED, is a common problem among men, affecting about 30 million men in the United States alone. ED is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection that is firm enough for sexual intercourse. It can be caused by a variety of factors, …
Optimal Testosterone Levels: Getting your way back to a better you
June 23, 2014
Men age because of declining levels of hormones, not the other way around. The benefits of achieving optimal Testosterone levels are well established. In fact, Testosterone Therapy is considered critical to men 40 years and above. Health benefits are associated with “optimal” testosterone levels, not “normal for age” level. Optimal …
Low Testosterone Symptoms Every Man Should Know
June 13, 2018
Low testosterone can occur in men of all ages. Although, it is often common in older men. Many times, erectile dysfunction can result to lower libido and irritability in men. Most men believe that low testosterone and sexual dysfunction are evident signs of aging. However, ED and poor libido often …
Sexual Dysfunction Mystery Solved – By Rats?
June 23, 2014
For year, sexual dysfunction in men has been a mystery for many, but United States researchers have found nerves in the spinal cords of rats that trigger the ability to ejaculate. Scientists believe it may be one step forward on the path to find new treatments for sexual dysfunction. In …
Look for Zinc – It Fights ED!
July 31, 2019
There is a general medical consensus that one of the things that may cause a problem and lead to erectile dysfunction (ED) is a depletion of zinc in the body. What can cause this? Well, one of the things is your diet. Another may involve the development of certain physical …
Belly Fat: A Serious Concern in Men’s Health
February 28, 2018
Dr. Michael Jensen, an endocrinology specialist at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota recently voiced the growing concern regarding belly fat in men. Jensen discusses the risk that men take when disregarding the weight gain in their belly area. It may seem inevitable that as we age, men accumulate fat in …
Got Man Boobs? You Might Have Klinefelter Syndrome
June 18, 2014
Klinefelter Syndrome (KS) is a condition that only occurs in men as a result of an extra X chromosome. It is named after Dr. Henry Klinefelter who first discovered the syndrome in 1942 and was able to link the symptoms back to men with an extra X chromosome. The most …
Can-t Ejaculate? You might have Anejaculation.
June 15, 2014
Anejaculation is the inability to ejaculate semen despite stimulation of the penis via intercourse or masturbation. It’s actually a fairly common problem and can be frustrating for a couple trying to have children. The symptoms presented by anejaculation are not to be confused by those of erectile dysfunction. During anejaculation, …
Pucker Up! A Kiss a Day Can Keep the Doctor Away
July 8, 2019
You already know that kissing is fun but did you know that it’s good for you? Kissing is a uniquely human trait that’s said to have emerged as a way to pass germs from one person to another but that’s not very romantic, is it? While it seems plausible that …
Don’t Ignore the Foreplay – Importance of Foreplay
August 9, 2018
There’s no arguing that “quickie sex” can be arousing, exciting and satisfying. It’s good for when passions override all thought and desire wins. However, most women will agree that the best sexual encounters occur when a man knows and understands the importance of foreplay. Foreplay is defined as “a set …
Is the Kama Sutra more than just a “bible of sex?”
May 23, 2018
Considered the “bible of sex” or the “book of love,” the Kama Sutra (also known as Kama Shastra) is one of three ancient texts written in the Sanskrit language that describe the permissible goals in life. It is devoted to the pursuit of kama. Kama is the Hindu God of …
How Does Premature Ejaculation affect your relationship?
March 20, 2014
Premature Ejaculation (PE) is a condition that can affect men emotionally and physically and take a toll on their relationships. The most common way to describe this condition is an ejaculation that occurs before both partners would like it to. Intercourse plays a huge role in the success and happiness …
What’s a sexual fetish and do you have one?
March 17, 2014
The word fetish originates from the Portuguese word “fetico” which originally meant “charm” and also false power. When the Portuguese explored West Africa and encountered native religions, they called whatever they collected (talismans), a fetish. These collections were usually objects: totems, beads and carvings. Some people aren’t sure if they …
Why Do Men Cheat on Beautiful Women?
July 18, 2018
You might be sitting there thinking to yourself: he’s got a good thing, why stray? The reasoning isn’t always that simple. Just because a woman is beautiful doesn’t guarantee a man will remain faithful. It also doesn’t excuse his infidelity but let’s take a look at reasons why men might …
Is it Low T?
March 12, 2014
Signs of Low Testosterone (Low T) are often subtle and can be mistaken as a natural part of aging. Testosterone is a hormone that is produced by the body in testicles and is responsible for stimulating sperm production and sex drive, as well as building muscles and bone mass. As …
Should you have sex on the first date?
October 9, 2018
She’s hot. You’re eager. And there’s so much sexual tension. Everything’s going well and you’re one drink away from suggesting you go back to your place. Should you? Sex on the first date is a tricky subject. Despite women’s progress in shedding stereotypes associated with first date sex, there is …
Suffering From ED? You Are Not Alone – Clinic for Him
August 6, 2013
Do you believe you may be suffering from some of the effects of erectile dysfunction? Clinic for Him wants to stress that you are not alone. We’re not sure you are aware of this, but according to studies that have been conducted by the National Institutes of Health, there may …
Don’t Be Too “Macho” To Admit The Problem – Clinic for Him
August 6, 2013
Clinic for Him is the leader when it comes to dealing with the very difficult problem of erectile dysfunction. There is no question that more men suffer from ED than anyone realize, and even more than THEY realize. That is because the nature of men, and the nature of peer …
Sexual Health and Physical Health: The Link
August 6, 2013
We just stumbled across an article in Men’s Health that provides a useful framework for thinking about your sexual health. The article’s main point is that keeping yourself in good physical health can have a positive effect on your sexual health. Says Men’s Health: “You have a built-in baromoter for …
Ejaculation Issues?
May 11, 2018
Ejaculation is a touchy subject in our culture, so it’s no surprise that premature ejaculation is as well. In fact, premature ejaculation often falls into the deep abyss of the unspoken — and how are we supposed to learn about it if we can’t talk about it? The word has …
Heart Disease and its Connection to ED
August 12, 2019
Numerous studies have shown that you don’t have to get a heart attack to have heart disease. There are many forms of heart disease, and each of them has its different symptoms. Recognizing the symptoms and knowing how to deal with them are a key to maintaining proper health. But …
Sexual Dysfunction in Obese Men Reverseable?
August 6, 2013
Dr. Ramsey M. Dallal, from Albert Einstein Healthcare Network, Philadelphia, and colleagues may have found the key to regaining sexual function in obese men. While there are serious health complications in men undergoing surgical weight loss procedures, Dallal nonetheless offers evidence supporting the conclusion that sexual function loss in obese …
August 6, 2013
Dr. Ramsey M. Dallal, from Albert Einstein Healthcare Network, Philadelphia, and colleagues may have found the key to regaining sexual function in obese men. While there are serious health complications in men undergoing surgical weight loss procedures, Dallal nonetheless offers evidence supporting the conclusion that sexual function loss in obese …
Adult Circumcision Not Linked to Sexual Dysfunction
August 6, 2013
Male circumcision is widely known to decrease the chance of contracting HIV, reduce instances of urinary tract infections as well as prevent penile cancer and many children are circumcised at birth. However, males undergoing the process of circumcision in adulthood often wonder how it will affect them as adults. A …
Sudden Memory Loss A Possible Side-Effect of ED Drugs
August 6, 2013
Revisions to Erectile Dysfunction drug labels have recently been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to include sudden memory loss as a side effect in users. Label changes are made necessary when multiple users have reported the same symptoms after taking the drug. The condition, “transient global amnesia,” …
Pistachios Are Part of a Good Anti-ED Diet – Clinic for Him
August 6, 2013
Clinic for Him knows that a good diet sometimes works like preventive medicine, and believe it or not, that is the case when it comes to erectile dysfunction, a disorder they know more about than anyone else. Along those lines, some foods are better than others. Have you ever eaten …
What causes PE?
August 6, 2013
Premature Ejaculation (PE) is basically caused by a combination of an overly sensitive glans penis (or head of the penis), and nervousness or performance anxiety while making love. This particular anxiety is commonly associated with the fear of ejaculating rapidly and being unable to satisfy the sexual partner. The fear …
ED – Should Both of You Talk to Someone From the Outside?
August 6, 2013
Is it wise to seek some help from the outside when it comes to talking about your problems with erectile dysfunction (ED)? That is a question the people from Clinic for Him are confronted with all the time. And the answer is, yes, it is, if you are concerned about …
ED Can Be a Physical or Psychological Problem
August 6, 2013
Clinic for Him knows that there is a misconception among some people that erectile dysfunction (ED) is completely physical; others believes it’s all in the head. The truth is that it could be either, or a little bit of both. Of course, whatever the cause, it manifests itself in something …
ED – Should Both of You Talk to Someone From the Outside?
August 6, 2013
Is it wise to seek some help from the outside when it comes to talking about your problems with erectile dysfunction? That is a question the people from Clinic for Him are confronted with all the time. And the answer is, yes, it is, if you are concerned about the …
ED Can Be a Physical or Psychological Problem
August 6, 2013
Clinic for Him knows that there is a misconception among some people that erectile dysfunction is completely physical; others believes it’s all in the head. The truth is that it could be either, or a little bit of both. Of course, whatever the cause, it manifests itself in something that …
Understanding Sexual Dysfunction and Parkinson’s Disease
April 4, 2018
Although those who suffer from Parkinson’s disease are prone to sexual dysfunction, many authorities believe poor sexual health is not always a side effect of the disease. “Sexual dysfunction has not been extensively investigated, however, a number of studies have shown a high prevalence of decreased libido, orgasmic dysfunction in …
Can Yoga Help Men Last Longer?
May 29, 2019
For guys who have trouble lasting in bed, a multi-faceted strategy is often needed to overcome the problem. Not only medication, but exercise and various other strategies can help address premature ejaculation issues. Now comes word that the ancient practice and modern phenomenon of yoga may lead to more stamina …
Sleep Apnea and Erectile Dysfunction
August 6, 2018
The relationship between erectile dysfunction and sleep apnea is one that has generated much interest in recent years. This blog post will explore the link between the two. What is Sleep Apnea? Sleep apnea is a serious condition and sleep disorder that causes people to stop breathing while they are …
The Voices of Prostate Cancer
July 9, 2013
Thousands of men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year in the U.S. and many of them are concerned with post-operation sexual abilities. The New York Times features a “Patient Voices” article regularly and in June published a “Voices of Prostate Cancer” feature article. The article offered insight from men …
Sexual Dysfunction in Trauma Victims
July 9, 2013
According to a recent study reportedat the 2008 Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons, 3,087 out of 10,122 survey respondents reported cases of sexual dysfunction after experiencing severe physical trauma. Trauma, a serious or body-altering injury, had not been linked to sexual dysfunctions until recent years and findings …
Yoga Linked to a Healthier Sex Life
July 9, 2013
The Journal of Sexual Medicine recently reported that sexually unsatisfied women who practiced yoga saw improvements in their sex life, sexual arousal and desire as well as heightened climax. It has been said that yoga may effectively treat premature ejaculation in some men. “Mindfullness” and Yoga focus on the awareness …
Sexual Dysfunction and Depression
January 16, 2023
Sexual dysfunction and depression are two common mental health conditions that often occur together. Studies have shown that individuals with depression are more likely to experience sexual dysfunction, and vice versa. Sexual dysfunction refers to a range of issues that can occur during sexual activity, including difficulty becoming aroused, difficulty …
Healthy Ways to Boost Your Sperm Count
July 9, 2013
You can’t see how many sperm your body is producing, but research shows it has an effect on your state of mind and your sexual health. And studies also show sperm volume, on average, has decreased in recent decades. The average sperm count is about 50 million cells per ejaculation …
Aging Men Syndrome Explained
June 10, 2019
We’re all getting older, and sooner or later we may have to deal with Aging Men Syndrome (AMS). AMS can manifest itself in many ways. Let’s examine some of the possible symptoms: Low Testosterone levels Weight gain Difficulty sleeping regularly Irritability (Yes, it affects men too!) Less sexual desire Increased …
Physical Fitness and Sexual Health
July 9, 2013
Being physically fit is easy for some, but what about for those who have trouble keeping motivated and interested in a fitness routine? Sometimes the hardest part of working toward a goal is not having a goal to reach and the best part of working out is reaching your goal. …
Study: Drinking Alcohol Now and Then May Not Hurt Your Long-term Sexual Performance
July 9, 2013
Although conventional wisdom tells us that drinking inhibits sexual performance, there is new research that shows moderate drinking could actually help our sexual activity—in the long run. The study cited by the Journal of Sexual Health doesn’t tell us why alcohol seems to hinder erectile dysfunction, but antioxidants may have …
Are Heated Car Seats (and more) Making You Sterile?
January 21, 2019
Researchers noted in a Fertility and Sterility journal that sitting for 90 minutes in a heated car seat may not be as luxurious as expected. Because sperm are dependent on a constant temperature lower than that of body temperature, direct heat from seat heaters may have long-term effects on male …
Gardening Can Help Keep Up Sexual Function
July 9, 2013
Men who spend time each week gardening – digging, weeding or mowing the lawn – can cut their risk of impotence by half, according to a recent study by Medical University of Vienna The same study, highlighted by the UK’s Telegraph, showed that dancing, cycling and other kinds of moderate …
Depression’s Connection to Sexual Function
July 9, 2013
If you’re clinically depressed, you may also find you’re having problems with a low sex drive, inability to orgasm or erectile dysfunction. It’s not your imagination – problems with sexual function and depression are often linked. It’s chemical, doctors believe. Sexual desire begins in the brain and triggers increased blood …
An Exercise Routine Each Day Keeps Erectile Dysfunction Away?
April 17, 2019
While some men require multi-layered treatment to help in their battle with erectile dysfunction, others can get marked results by improving the way they take care of themselves. Even if you do need a physician’s help, making changes in the way you live can multiply the benefits you get from …
For Men, Regular Doctor Visits are Extremely Important
January 29, 2019
Many men feel like their wives push them to go to the doctor’s office and according to a federal report, it’s for good reason. The report suggested that men are far less likely than women to keep regular checkup appointments. The importance of seeing your doctor regularly becomes more and …
Healthy Ways to Boost Your Sperm Count
July 9, 2013
You can’t see how many sperm your body is producing, but research shows it has an effect on your state of mind and your sexual health. And studies also show sperm volume, on average, has decreased in recent decades. The average sperm count is about 50 million cells per ejaculation …
Circumcision May Reduce Some Risk of Contracting HIV
July 9, 2013
As the debate on the benefits of circumcision continues, several studies are suggesting one more plus that comes with the procedure: it apparently reduces your risk of contracting HIV during penile-vaginal sex. An Australian study shows that the inner foreskin has the largest concentration of what’s called Langerhans’ cells – …
Men’s Health Month: Awareness On The Rise
July 9, 2013
It’s official. A congressional health education program has been anchored in honor of men. In an effort to make men aware and offer the support and information that is crucial to their health, organizations all over the country recently celebrated Men’s Health Month. Men’s health month should be the month …
Clinic for Him: Hypertension and High Cholesterol Do Not Help
July 9, 2013
Hypertension and High High Cholesterol. Not only can these two conditions lead to coronary diseases such as stroke and heart attack, but both can be factors in Erectile Dysfunction. Some of the factors that contribute to hypertension are heredity, obesity, salt consumption, caffeine consumption, and alcohol consumption. Stress, age, race, …
Choosing Your Bike Seat for Health and Performance
May 17, 2018
According to Medical News Today men everywhere are curious about the effect that different bicycle seats can have on their biking performance but are unaware that it can also affect performance aspects of their lives that are completely unrelated to biking. An issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine studied …
Clinic for Him Treatment Options: Diabetes & ED
July 9, 2013
Clinic for Him prides itself on providing treatment options for men unable to tolerate pill-based ED treatments. Men living with diabetes often encounter problems with sexual dysfunction as well as problems tolerating standard oral medication. These men are not without treatment options, however, as this page from the http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/journals/reprints/Contraception79-407-410.pdf website …
Pull Out Method “Protection”
July 9, 2013
Last year, a provocative study was published that stated the “pull-out” method is just as successful as using a condom when it comes to pregnancy prevention. The statistics released claim that this controversial remedy, if practiced consistently during intercourse over the course of one year, is 96% effective, meaning pregnancy …
Hearing Loss And Erectile Dysfunction
July 9, 2013
A new study has been released that links hearing loss to erectile dysfunction medications such as Viagra, Levitra and Cialis. These medications are all classified as phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, which means they hinder negative action in the blood vessel cells that border the penis. A 2007 order by the …
Ways to Treat Depression in Men
July 9, 2013
Depression is generally regarded as a “feminine” disorder in the media, but recently it’s been found that nearly seven percent of American men (six million!) suffer from depression and millions more endure the disorder silently. Sometimes men don’t recognize the symptoms, or they are too embarrassed to seek help for …
Male Menopause?
January 16, 2023
What is Andropause? Andropause, also known as male menopause, is a term used to describe a decline in testosterone levels and other changes that occur in middle-aged and older men. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, and it plays an important role in a wide range of bodily functions, …
Maintaining Intimacy with Erectile Dysfunction
January 15, 2023
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition that affects men of all ages. It is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection during sexual activity. ED can have a significant impact on a man’s self-esteem and can also affect the intimacy of a relationship. However, it is …
Sexual Dysfunction in Men
July 9, 2013
Sexual dysfunction refers to a problem during any point of the sexual response cycle which prevents the individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction. The sexual response cycle consists of four phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution. While sexual dysfunction is considered common among both women and men, it is a …
Many Men are Still Afraid of Seeking Help from Places like Clinic for Him
August 28, 2018
Sexual dysfunction really has a stigma surrounding it, with most men not even wanting to admit there’s a problem. This was further evidenced by some recent research discussed in an article in The Telegraph entitled, “Men’s health: dealing with erectile dysfunction”. While this research is focused in Britain, the results …
Clinic for Him – Fish Oil and Erectile Dysfunction
April 24, 2018
If you have been suffering from erectile dysfunction, this can be a really big obstacle to overcome as a man because of its effects on your ego. There is help though, it has been proven that introducing omega-3 to your diet will help increase blood flow to your penis as …
Causes of ED: Cut Down On That Cholesterol
July 9, 2013
You are what you eat. Have you ever heard that before? Well, that may or may not be true, but the simple fact is that you can affected very strongly by what you eat, and that effect can gravitate over to the way you are able to perform sexually. That …
Exercise Discretion When Talking With Your Partner
April 11, 2018
The folks from Clinic for Him know that when you have Erectile Dysfunction and you are in an existing relationship, things can get very awkward and uncomfortable for you. This is where you have to exercise some discretion, and some wisdom, when it comes to speaking with your partner about …
Prostate Cancer and its Relationship to ED
September 27, 2018
There are certain other medical conditions that could bring about the onset of erectile dysfunction. Understanding the underlying causes and getting the proper treatment for them early could make all the difference in a successful recovery. The more education you have in things like this, the better off you’re going …
Study: Less Sexual Desire Could Cause ED Years Later
July 9, 2013
Perhaps it would interest you to know that a sign that erectile dysfunction is on the way may come long before its physical onset. That’s right, and you can bet that the people Clinic for Him are probably more familiar with this subject than anyone else. Last year, the results …
Don’t Try To Play Doctor On Your Own
April 18, 2018
It is quite possible, and indeed probable, that no one has dealt with as many cases of erectile dysfunction as has the Clinic for Him. And in that process, they have no doubt encountered all kinds of patients. Some of them may feel completely helpless because of their condition, and …
ED and Your Diet: Eat Your Vegetables
July 8, 2013
Clinic for Him is dedicated, completely and totally, to diagnosing and treating erectile dysfunction in adult males. Toward that end, of course, that means they are the recognized authorities in this area. CFH understands that, whether one knows it or not, there are medical conditions in people that can bring …
High Blood Pressure and its Relationship to ED
July 23, 2019
Erectile dysfunction is commonly regarded as a quality-of-life disorder that needs treatment. Currently, it approximately affects as many as 30 million American men5. It has become conclusive that Erectile Dysfunction is caused not only by psychological disorders, but primarily due to the underlying physical conditions which impact the regular blood …
Obesity and its Relationship to ED
July 8, 2013
Obesity, as we know and as you have been told, has become a major issue in the United States, to the extent that even government legislators have gotten into the act with their own ways to control it and combat it. There are many reasons for you to take control …
Ask Men’s Top 10 Myths About Sex
December 26, 2018
Our CFH doctor Barry Buffman gave an interview for the popular web publication Ask Men. In this interview, Dr. Buffman helped men understand 10 basic myths about sex that are very widely believed among U.S. males. 2019 is here and these myths still stand the test of time. Read: Top …
Good Nutrition Linked to Sexual Longevity
January 17, 2011
New studies have shown a balanced diet rich in fruit and vegetable intake can lead to increased longevity in sexual performance.
Recent Posts
- Depression and ED: Finding the Right Treatment for Depression March 9, 2023
- Sleep Apnea and Erectile Dysfunction: Are They Related? March 9, 2023
- Sexual Dysfunction and Depression January 16, 2023
If you are looking to
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sexual health, talk to a
Clinic for Him physician to
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