At the age of 50, I felt like I was not fit to live at all. That used to be my thinking. For the last few years, I felt my age put limits on the things I was capable of. Watching life go by was not easy. It was like watching one unproductive day go by and by. Even with very little work, I felt the days weigh on me.
I thought this is just a part of aging. I asked my friends if they felt the same way and some of them said that they had experienced the same issues around the age of 50. One of my friends suggested it might be low testosterone as he had the same issue a year before. He recommended that I book an appointment with Clinic for Him.
At first, I was skeptical about this whole testosterone idea. I was not prepared for what was in store for me. The doctors from Clinic for Him were very knowledgeable and gave me the comfort that they could help me find the energy I used to have. So, I decided to allow the doctors to treat me. We decided on a long term plan to improve my testosterone levels and it all turned out to be very successful.
Few days after my first injection, I was running down an out of bounds ball at my son’s soccer practice, and it felt so good to run. It was at that moment that I knew things have changed. From that point on, I sleep better, I have loads more energy, and my wife tells me I have a new spark in my eyes. It has taken some time to get the levels adjusted but there is no denying the effects of testosterone have had huge positive effect on my life.