The Truth About Penis Sizes and
How to Overcome Sexual
Performance Anxiety
By Clinic for Him | April 5, 2019 | 10 Min Read
The systematic review and study on the average penis size for men worldwide, published in the British Journal of Urology International (BJUI), is titled “Am I normal?”. It is regarded as one of the most thorough studies on the topic ever conducted. When the report first came out online, it got a lot of attention and was posted on a number of well-known news and lifestyle websites.
The question of the title, “What is the average penis size, and do I have it?” is the one that really troubles every single man who types those keywords into their browser’s search engine.
Being inquisitive or wanting to learn more about your body is not something to be ashamed of. Instead, it’s a good thing that you’re not just standing around worrying pointlessly. Any lingering questions should be answered. The issue arises when you’re constantly anxious, and it consumes your life, even though your partner and others have assured you that you have nothing to be concerned about.
The issue is still eating you inside, so let’s try to calm your fears and give you answers. However, numbers alone only tell us a portion of the story, so we don’t just want to throw them at you. To understand this, you need context and a ton of information about the factors that affect penis size the most.
How Big Is The Typical Penis?
First things first, let’s clear this up. Together with the National Health Service (NHS) of the United Kingdom, King’s College London conducted a systematic review for BJUI that combined data from 20 studies on penis size from various nations.
This global analysis of studies discovered that a penis measures 3.61 inches when it is flaccid and 5.16 inches when erect. When flaccid, girth is 3.66 inches; when erect, it is 4.59 inches.
That ought to be sufficient for any man, but of course, you’ll wonder if your prospective partners or fellow men out there are aware of this as well and won’t judge you for having a perfectly average or perhaps even above-average penis.
Contrary to popular belief, women typically have a better understanding of average penis sizes than men because they frequently observe them. Additionally, they are the ones who are most impacted by sizes. Because of this, “only 6% of women rate the size of their partner’s penis as small, and 84% say they’re extremely satisfied with the size of their lover.” According to Toronto-based sexologist (PhD) and author Dr. Jess O’Reilly, “On the other hand, only 55% of men report a similar level of satisfaction with their own size.” As this Bustle compilation from Amanda Chatel about women’s opinions on penis size proves, it is about how you use your penis, not so much size (and too big is a real issue for many women).
1. The Average Penis Size is Smaller Than You Think
One study from 2013 found that the typical American male has an erect penile length of 5.57 inches (14.15 cm) and an erect penile circumference of 4.81 inches (12.23 cm). Due to the fact that the measurements were self-reported (i.e., the participating men themselves gave the measurements), the numbers are slightly higher than those from the BJUI report. Despite the researchers’ defense of their study by pointing out that their results were consistent with previous research about penis sizes, this criticism undermines the study’s credibility.
The study attempted to get men to report accurately by promising to send condoms in that size, but the study’s credibility is still in question because of this flaw.
Since measurements performed on volunteers by others have flaws, self-reported measurements are still accepted. According to Dr. Justin Lehmiller, founder and editor of Sex and Psychology, “the concern with the self-report method is that guys will lie or exaggerate, while the concern with the clinical measurement studies is that only more physically endowed men will choose to participate.”
However, many online studies rely on the self-reported method, which makes the BJUI report all the more valuable. This is why we’ll be using the report’s suggested global average of 5.16 inches in length.
What is the typical penis size in each U.S. state?
While some states may claim otherwise, the national average penis size is only 5.57 inches. Considering how most studies are conducted indirectly (by measuring things like condom sizes ordered through the mail), it can be difficult to trust the results.
Alabama, Louisiana, and West Virginia were found to have the largest self-reported sizes (7.44 inches, 7.15 inches, and 7.00 inches, respectively) in an experiment conducted by a male sexuality clinic. Beginning with Vermont’s 6.98 inches, the remaining states all measured less than 7. Delaware (5.22), New Mexico (5.36), Maryland (5.50), Georgia (5.69), and Rhode Island (5.83) were the eight states that had an average score lower than 6 inches.
Important disclaimer: since all sizes are self-reported, there’s a good chance that’s why they’re at least an inch higher than the BJUI study shows.
By Race Or Ethnicity, What Is The Average Height?
Mixing race or ethnicity with any subject is never a good idea because stereotypes can spread quickly, even if we believe they are accurate or “good” for one race or another. It’s the same with the topic of penis sizes.
Quickly, let’s clear this up: There were no discernible racial differences in the average penis sizes, according to the BJUI review.
Despite common beliefs and anecdotal “evidence,” the study concludes, “It is not possible from the present meta-analysis to draw any conclusions about any differences in penile size across races.”
The lack of a single, comprehensive study that measures penile length and girth using the same methods across races, ethnicities, or even countries is the main issue with the current data about penile sizes around the world and differences between ethnicities. However, there is no conclusive proof that any one “race” is significantly more endowed than others.
Keep in mind that men tend to overestimate their own size and measure themselves inconsistently. Then there’s the question of whether larger men are more likely to participate in these kinds of studies, which is consistent with men all over the world and in any country, according to Dr. Justin Lehmiller, founder and editor of Sex and Psychology.
2. How Is A Penis Measured?
There are a variety of simple and complex factors that make measuring penises a mixed bag. Even though it is one of the most recent and credible studies, the BJUI team acknowledges that their participants may not represent the true diversity of penises worldwide. Although a few come from other parts of the world, the vast majority of these studies are conducted in Europe and North America.
However, researchers are always wary of the fact that the only men who agree to have their penises measured are the ones who are already comfortable with their size. But researchers typically aim to recruit a representative sample of participants and apply consistent metrics to all participants.
Also, by employing a one-time-use measuring tape. The most erect penis requires stimulation from the participant, such as when viewing pornographic material or after receiving an injection of prostaglandin, so the study authors advise using a disposable tape measure for cleanliness’s sake.
How To Accurately Measure Your Penis
The penis is measured in two ways: length (from the base to the tip of the glans without the foreskin) and girth (at the base or the middle). Since men are more likely to exaggerate their stats if asked directly, all reputable studies have a trained medical professional employed by the study to take the measurements instead.
Even though the BJUI International study is one of the most comprehensive ever conducted, the researchers were very clear about who they did not include: men with congenital or acquired abnormalities, erectile dysfunction, or who wanted to get a penis enlargement of any kind. And, apparently—this needs to be clarified by the study—there were no corpses either.
The question of how the penis becomes erect adds yet another level of uncertainty to the process of determining erect penis sizes. Is it really that irrelevant? Many men report improved erections depending on the source of their arousal, but this topic has not been studied nearly enough to formulate a hypothesis.
Does your penis get smaller as you age or gain weight?
Studies that accurately portray the average penis size are scarce, and longitudinal studies that account for changes in weight and age are even less common.
One Saudi Arabian study attempts to answer the question by comparing the penis sizes of men of varying ages and their BMIs (a metric for measuring obesity).
Men of varying body mass indices showed a weak correlation between lower erectile length and higher BMI. It turned out that perhaps some men do lose penile length after putting on weight, but this is not the case if you measure from the bone to the tip. Thus, the penis was indeed concealed by the sagging skin that accompanied weight gain.
If you don’t want to exercise off the excess fat, liposuction is an option. However, the best solution is to make lifestyle changes that lead to weight loss. That’s the best option for everything, honestly.
“For every 30-50lbs of excess weight you will likely lose
around an inch of visible penis. lose weight” – ManVFat
The effects of age on penis size were even less clear. The average difference in height between men aged 70 and those aged 20 was only about 0.39 inches (1 cm).
3. What Determines Penis Size?
The size of your penis, like the color of your eyes and skin, is largely determined by your genes, as are most other aspects of our bodies. Height has also been found to be a significant predictor of the size of a penis while flaccid. And naturally, your height is also predetermined by your genes. However, there are a few other factors that will influence girth and length.
Problems with hormone levels during pregnancy can have many effects on the developing baby, including on a boy’s penis. Androgen insensitivity, in which the developing male does not respond to testosterone, is a potential cause of penis size abnormalities. Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is a hormone necessary for the development of testosterone in the fetus, and if the mother produces too little of it, the fetus may also not have enough testosterone
The development of an abnormally small penis in a fetus is one possible outcome of maternal malnutrition. Teens who are malnourished during puberty are also more likely to experience delayed puberty, which is associated with smaller testicles and penises.
Environmental Chemicals
Fertilizers, plasticizers, pesticides, and phthalates are just a few examples of environmental chemicals known to harm fetal penile development. Their endocrine-disrupting properties prevent the fetus from producing necessary hormones, leading to this effect.
4. Penis Size Myths.
Constant comparison to other men’s penises can cause insecurity and curiosity about one’s own. However, because most guys don’t let other guys see their penises, we have to rely on other “clues” to determine whether or not someone else is hung.
When a man has big feet, does that mean he has a big package? Is it safe to assume a man with small hands also has a small penis? Do men who are taller tend to have larger ones?
In a nutshell, “no,” “no,” and “maybe” are the responses
The BJUI meta-analysis of studies found a weak correlation between height and penis size, but no firm conclusions could be drawn. There was a moderately significant correlation between flaccid length and height in one study and weak correlations in three others.
It’s not worth the trouble to try to link a large penis with a tall man because the difference between the average penis size of a tall man and a short man is relatively insignificant. At worst, you’ll have an average penis, not a below-average one. That means shorter guys than the typical man (5.8 feet) have nothing to feel bad about when thinking about how they stack up against their peers.
“There are so many things in life us guys can’t control,
like our height. Don’t waste time and mental energy
dwelling on this stuff. Instead, focus on improving what
you can control, like your style, grooming and social skills.
This is how you build confidence, which improves every area
of your life, including the bedroom.”
Brock McGoff – Founder of The Modest Man.
The Truth About Showers And Growers
We’ve already established that a healthy, erect penis needs to be about 5 to 6 inches in length and about 3.5 inches in girth to perform its intended function, but there’s a myth floating around about showers and growers that contradicts this recommendation. One can have a relatively large flaccid penis that only swells when erect and does not get much bigger, or one can have a relatively small flaccid penis that is relatively larger when erect.

However, the “shower” effect, which is similar to the loss of elasticity in a penis, can be caused by certain medical conditions or disorders. One example is how erectile dysfunction can cause a man’s erection to be weaker than usual and, consequently, smaller than desired.
Those with erectile dysfunction don’t just miss out on the pleasures of sexual activity; they also miss out on the opportunity to appreciate their penis for what it truly is. One way in which they can increase the size of their penis is by seeking treatment for erectile dysfunction.
“There’s really no such thing as a “shower,” When men
get erections, their penises get bigger. That’s true
across the board, regardless of how big or small
you are flaccid.”, says Meagan Drillinger, from Men’s Health
The Science of Penis Size vs Public Perceptions of Penis Size
We’ve already seen how the research establishes that the average penis size is several inches smaller than the common estimates. Most people overestimate just how large the average is. Porn has a lot to do with that distortion, which we write about further down, but an intriguing result of the research is that the perception of penis size varies between men and women, and you might be surprised about which sex actually has a more realistic notion about the average penis size.
Women and penises: What do they think?
Researchers at UCLA and Cal State LA found that 84% of women surveyed agreed or strongly agreed that their partners’ penises were fine. Fewer than a fifth of females (14%) would prefer that their partner’s penis be larger, while only about two percent (2%) would prefer that it be smaller.
The fact that women are happier with their penises than men is even more revealing. Nearly always, men underestimate the size of their penises relative to how women perceive them.
These inquiries into an essential part of a man’s identity are natural in an era when discussions about masculinity and a man’s place in the world, in the family, and in relationships are commonplace.
Having a healthy relationship is important to many men, but how they feel about themselves as the man in the relationship is often tied to the size of their penis. A happy relationship leads to a happy life, so it’s understandable why the answer to the question “Am I normal?” can be crucial to many men in regards to their penis size.
Natasha Ivanovic for LovePanky says, “Being with a well-endowed man isn’t always the joyride a woman thinks it’s going to be.”
The Mythical Large Penis
Porn, like much of contemporary sexual culture, warps our ideas of what constitutes a “normal” penis and what constitutes a desirable sexual encounter.
Despite our current sexual culture, a larger member didn’t always elicit a better response. Even a cursory glance at naked Greek statues from antiquity will reveal that small penises were considered more aesthetically pleasing than large ones. The scrotum was deemed more important for reproduction, so it received more attention, while the penis was seen as merely a means by which sperm could be introduced into the womb. The less the penis interfered with the aesthetics of things, the better.
With the development of photography came the rise of modern pornography, where penises of all sizes suddenly became more desirable. Since pornography is purely visual stimulation, the desire for a larger penis (and breasts in the case of women) grew in tandem with its popularity.
Having more to stroke has also become a significant psychological factor, as men masturbate more frequently now than in the past. While we’re on the topic of body dysmorphia, it’s important to note that male pornstars are selected for their unique attributes. Therefore, the content you find in NSFW areas of the web does not accurately portray the typical man. So keep that in mind the next time you bump into those images or videos.
“Men, at least heterosexual ones, may be worried that there are lots of 10-inch penises out there. Actually, you’d fall into the top 5 percent if your penis is 6.3 inches when erect. Porn stars get the job because their penis size is rare”, says Temma Ehrenfeld for PsychologyToday.
So what’s too big?
Too big, as we’ve established, is probably more than 7 inches for any given woman. Pain and possible cervix damage can occur at numbers greater than 7, which for many women, is already too high. The vagina can be torn apart if it’s too wide, causing the woman excruciating pain. Always be patient and never rush in.
The ideal girth for vaginal sex is also the average girth. With the average girth being just 4.59 inches, women risk pain with anything more than that, although there will be plenty of exceptions to the rule. Talking with your partner about this is key.
How to use a large penis
Women’s sex desires go beyond simple penetration, and that’s saying something, given that an entire article could be written on the topic. The clitoris and the upper vaginal cervix are where most women feel the most pleasure during sexual activity.
The most pleasurable sensations are felt within the first two to three inches of the vaginal canal, in addition to any other sexually stimulating areas of the body. It’s important for men with larger penises to be mindful of this and to ask their partners if anything hurts or if there’s anything else they need.
5. What’s The Actual Definition Of A Small Penis?
The sizes we assign to things are always relative. One famous example is how in the U.S., a “medium” soda at McDonald’s will be considered “large” in France or most other countries.
These are the factors to think about before labeling your body parts as “small” or “large.” In this case, “above average” and “below average” are more appropriate terms to use, or if you must, “smaller than average” and “larger than average,” respectively, where “smaller than average” means shorter than 5.17 inches and “larger than average” means wider than 3.67 inches when erect.
But at what point do you become noticeably smaller than the norm? When erect, the penises of nearly 90% of men are between 4 and 6 inches in circumference, with the remaining 10% having either extremely small or extremely large penises. A small penis could be the case if your length is less than 4 inches.
“At the end of the day, there’s much more to satisfying
relationships and sexual confidence than this
one simple measure.”
Dr. ED / Zava (UK’s online medical service)
Dealing With A Smaller Than Average Penis
Most men and women can get by just fine with a smaller-than-average penis. A small penis isn’t much of a problem for a healthy sexual relationship between two people because most women won’t get an orgasm from penetration alone.
For men with smaller penises, the “swivel and screw” and “spins on doggy style” are the most common options. Even though some men may have ego issues with “The Girl on Top,” it’s still a good one. The clitoris is the most important part of any sex position with a woman, and so all sex positions for small penises are designed to bring the penis into contact with it as easily as possible.
Using Sex Toys and More to Elevate Your Game
“if you’re genuinely concerned that your penile
shortcomings are leading to a less than pleasant sexual
experience for your partners, there are products you can
procure that can change all that in a flash.”
Aly Walansky for AskMen
A brief harness sometimes referred to as a strap-on, is another option, though it’s typically only worn by lesbian women when they engage in sexual activity. Think of it as a dildo attached to your underwear for maximum penetration.
Furthermore, some toys, like massagers or silicone vibrator rings, can be worn on a man’s small penis or micropenis to stimulate a woman’s clitoris and bring on an orgasmic experience.
What’s A Micropenis?
While the consensus among researchers is that a micropenis is defined as a penis measuring less than 3.35 inches when stretched or erect, others place the threshold at less than 3 inches.

If a man is having problems during sex because of his micropenis, then penis enlargement surgery is considered to be the solution and the only instance where it’s medically legitimate. However, plenty of men with micropenises might just not care.
Phalloplasty, in which the ligament connecting the penis to the pelvic area is surgically severed, is the standard treatment for a micropenis, though other medical procedures may be used. A mere 35% of those who undergo the procedure are satisfied with the results, despite the fact that it typically results in a length gain of 0.8 inches (2 cm). Ultimately, acceptance is the main solution for most men with this condition.
6. Can You Increase Your Penis Size
Penis enlargement is an area where men have to tread carefully. Many people and companies out there will prey on men’s anxieties and fears and dupe them into trying miracle cures for their small penises (which might not even be that small). There are pills, pumps, oils, creams, surgeries, injections, and many more that promise miraculous results when all they want is what’s in your pocketbook. While some proven methods help, there’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, and they might not work for many men.
Let’s touch on this subject further.

Super Sizing It: Penis Enlargement
Before you have surgery to make your penis bigger, don’t forget this important fact: there are no permanent solutions to problems with penis size.
“A man must use his entire body, as well as his mind,
to help his partner reach orgasm. Be a bigger man – but
in the right way!”
Patrick Banks, dating coach and
head writer for Wingman Magazine.
Other Penis Enlargement Options
Penis Pumps
Suction-based penis pumps engorge the penis’s blood vessels, making it temporarily firmer and larger. Wearing a cock ring can keep blood from leaking out of your penis for longer. If used properly, both are unlikely to cause any harm.
Traction Devices
Most of the time, penile traction devices are used to fix bent or misshapen penises, but they can also temporarily boost small sizes. Two studies, from 2010 and 2011, did find that using them for extended periods of time daily gave a man a small increase in the length of their penis.
Stretching Exercises
This solution has less evidence, but it’s a popular one based on anecdotal evidence among men. Several stretching exercises supposedly achieve enlargement. One of them, jelqing, uses massage to move and stretch the penile skin and tissue. The manipulation creates microtears, which heal and later make the penis look more engorged, bigger, and thicker.
As was already said, most doctors won’t suggest surgery unless you have a micropenis that makes it hard to function during sex. Average-sized penises, or those only slightly smaller than average, will see little to no benefit from surgery.
7. Bottom Line: Does Penis Size Matter?
Finally, the answer to the big question… perhaps? And then only if you’re really tiny or really big.
Being Content With Your Penis Size.
You should always be content with yourself and remember that every shape and size has its place in the world. As for being normal, if that is what you mean, then yes, you are probably average.
Most women are content with their partners’ penises, as we’ve already established; those who aren’t don’t necessarily want them to be larger. And for some, the smaller, the better!
Ways To Be Confident About Your Penis Size
We hope being more informed about the real average size of the penises of the world, and what partners are actually looking for during sex is enough to assuage your fears and anxiety about the size of your member.
Still, here are some tips that can help you feel better about and more confident in every part of your body.
- Increasing your physical activity will improve your mood, self-esteem, and energy. It can be something as easy as going out for a 20-minute walk, doing some handiwork around the house, or even gardening.
- Stop comparing yourself to others, both in real life and in the media. Getting off social media for a while is one of the best ways to achieve this.
- Get in touch with a therapist or counselor who knows how to help people struggling with negative thoughts about their appearance. How you feel about your body is complicated and should not be tackled alone.
- Confidence in the bedroom can be increased by trying out different positions for penises that are larger or smaller than average.
- While it’s good to be self-critical and mindful of yourself in regard to others, refrain from thinking negatively about yourself and instead focus on the positive qualities you possess.
“A man’s sex life is fundamental to his existence and well-being,” says Daniel Ha, founder of Boston Medical Group, an American-based network of clinics that treat P.E. and E.D.